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About Driver Ratings
A+: 50,000 - 150,000, A: 30,000 - 49,999, B: 10,000 - 29,999, C: 4,000 - 9,999, D: 0 - 3,999About GTWS Pts
This is an estimate of the highest points awarded for a lobby of drivers at your skill level based on your current Driver Rating. A low and high number are also given as a range of what to expect.How to Find Your Profile Link
Around 20,000 PSN's are currently stored in the database sampled from drivers who took part in the 2025 exhibition season. If your PSN can't be found in the database you will need to copy your profile link from the Gran Turismo website to add it to our site.Visit Gran Turismo and login to your account.
After visiting "My Page" copy the entire URL of your profile into the form above and your ID will be extracted. For example: https://gran-turismo.com/au/gt7/user/mymenu/12s4e6c8-1v3q-eq3c-f2lo-k2e4w6vc90gf/profile